
Healthcare Management Forum – Call for abstracts on human factors in healthcare

25 juin 2024

L’article suivant est disponible en anglais seulement

Healthcare Management Forum is planning a special edition on human factors in healthcare for January 2026. Authors are invited to submit a 200-word abstract to by August 15, 2024. Abstracts should include a short overview of the proposed manuscript, the intended audience, and key messages for readers. Full articles will be due for peer review by May 1, 2025.

The editorial staff will consider the following topics:

  • how human factors influence patient outcomes and the overall safety of healthcare delivery;
  • the challenges and successes in applying human factors principles in real-world healthcare settings;
  • whether medical errors are primarily due to individual mistakes or systemic issues within healthcare organizations;
  • strategies to improve communication among healthcare professionals and between providers and patients;
  • how the design of healthcare facilities can enhance safety and efficiency for both patients and staff;
  • the benefits and challenges of integrating technology into healthcare from a human factors perspective;
  • the role of simulation-based training in preparing healthcare providers for real-world challenges;
  • insights into how cognitive load affects decision-making and performance and proposing ways to manage it;
  • the role of leadership in fostering a culture that prioritizes safety and the well-being of patients and staff;
  • the importance of patient involvement in healthcare decisions and safety practices;
  • how high-stress/high-risk settings, such as emergency rooms and ICUs, can be optimized to support healthcare providers;
  • lessons learned from high reliability organizations;
  • the impact of fatigue and burnout on healthcare professionals and proposing solutions to mitigate these issues;
  • how healthcare organizations can better report, analyze, and learn from errors and near misses;
  • the ethical dilemmas related to human factors research and the application of its principles in healthcare; and,
  • new trends, technologies, and research areas that are shaping the future of human factors in healthcare.

All potential authors will be contacted through e-mail by the Managing Editor.

Healthcare Management Forum (HMF) is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Canadian College of Health Leaders. The journal publishes articles on leading practices related to health leadership and management, including recent research, new technology and professional practices from health leaders’ perspectives. It is circulated to a variety of environments, such as medical companies, health authorities, multi-level care facilities, hospitals, public and private health agencies, health charities, the Canadian military and all levels of the Canadian government. It is also available in universities and libraries throughout Canada, the United States and overseas.  Authors’ guidelines can be found here: