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Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week

7 octobre 2024 @ 12:00 PM - 11 octobre 2024 @ 01:00 PM EDT / HAE

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Détails de l'événement:

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Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week:

Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week™ (CMAW) is an educational and promotional campaign presented by the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF), a standing committee of the Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS). CMTF is the national voice for the prevention, detection, and treatment of malnutrition across Canada.

The aim of CMAW is to enhance learning of health leaders, clinicians, healthcare providers and consumers around malnutrition by providing knowledge on the latest research and best practices for nutrition care. Through a series of webinars delivered by leading experts and the creation of resources aimed for use across multiple settings, CMAW offers the latest learnings around addressing malnutrition.

The theme for Canadian Malnutrition Awareness Week 2024 “ACT-Advocate, Collaborate, Transform” will focus on increasing awareness of malnutrition across adult and pediatric acute care, primary & community care & long term care. In addition, strategies on how to gain support to advocate for better nutrition care to address malnutrition will also be addressed.

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