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The March 2025 edition of Healthcare Management Forum (HMF) is focused on transitions in healthcare. It explores what leaders can do to create a system where we can simultaneously take advantage of the unique and specific skills of providers in every part of the system, while ensuring that care is smoothly navigated between them.
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In this edition:

The Guest Editor for this edition is Samuel G. Campbell, MB BCh, FCCHL, FRCP(Edin), a Professor of Emergency Medicine at Dalhousie University and Research Director at the Charles V. Keating Emergency and Trauma Centre, both in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He is also a long-time member of the Editorial Board for HMF.

Join us for a webinar on April 16, from 12:00 – 1:00 EDT, with Samuel Petrie, PhD, Shelley McLeod, MSc, PhD, and Kendall Ho, MD, FRCPC as they talk about their research into digital health programs. This webinar will build on their article in HMF in which they pose three questions for policy and decision-makers involved in the creation of digital health programs. They emphasize the importance of equity as the foundation for these programs, the need to conduct value-based evaluations, and the significance of positioning programs in a learning health system framework to guard against the fragmentation of care. They draw on their health experience from different sections of the Canadian health system, including frontline implementation and clinical care, provincial-level evaluations, and day-to-day project and change management.

Read the blog by David A. Petrie, MD, FRCP, as he discusses the concepts of differentiation and integration as being important drivers in the evolution of living organisms, ecosystems, and complex human organizations. He believes that the implications of this deep pattern of systems change are essential to understanding the roles of specialization in medicine. Overspecialization without attention to the principles of healthcare integration can lead to fragmentation of care and worse patient outcomes. This blog builds on his article in HMF which provides practical examples of system integration as innovation in the form of better public health and care delivery connections, health homes, and community care coordination centres.
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Have a question? E-mail the Managing Editor at lwilson@cchl-ccls.ca