
Rotman School of Management (Université de Toronto) et le CCLS renouvellent leur alliance stratégique

21 février 2023

Rotman School of Management (Université de Toronto) et le Collège canadien des leaders en santé renouvellent leur alliance stratégique triennale. 

L’entente de partenariat a pour objectif de promouvoir l’excellence et d’accroître les capacités de leadership des gestionnaires de soins de santé au Canada.

(L’article suivant est disponible en anglais seulement)

Renewed partnership agreement serves as an avenue to promote excellence in the health leadership field through the School’s MBA and Global Executive MBA in Healthcare and the Life Sciences programs.

The University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management has renewed its strategic alliance and LEADS certification with the Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) to increase the leadership capabilities of healthcare managers in Canada. 

Through this agreement, participants in the Rotman School’s Global Executive Master of Business Administration in Healthcare and the Life Sciences (GEMBA-HLS), Full Time Master of Business Administration (MBA), and Morning & Evening MBA, will work towards obtaining their Certified Health Executive (CHE) designation, the only certification program for all Canadian health leaders. Similar to the benefits of Rotman’s MBA programs, this program offers individual leaders several benefits including support for lifelong learning in health services leadership; assistance with career advancement; peer recognition and serves as an essential career designation.

Brenda Lammi, Vice President, Leadership and Professional Development at CCHL, said: “We are excited about this renewed collaboration with the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, who show their commitment to health leadership by committing to our strategic alliance, offering the GEMBA-HLS program, and also the Fellow in Health Sector Management.” 

Professor Brian Golden, the Sandra Rotman Chair in Health Sector Strategy and the Academic Director of the GEMBA-HLS program said: “Healthcare is the world’s biggest industry, and with advances in science and technology, and a global appetite for better, more accessible and sustainable healthcare, the opportunities for health system leaders are limitless.” 

This collaboration will also allow for both organizations to better address the constantly evolving needs of health leaders and align themselves with the LEADS in a Caring Environment framework. This framework is a foundation for Canadian health leadership development and defines the knowledge, skills and attitudes a leader must have to positively contribute to the Canadian healthcare system.

About the Rotman School of Management

The Rotman School is a leader in healthcare management research through its Sandra Rotman Centre for Health Sector Strategy within the University of Toronto. The School and the University also interact with Canada’s largest medical research hub, which is one of the ten largest healthcare and biomedical clusters in the world. The Rotman School currently offers an 18-month Global Executive MBA for Healthcare and the Life Sciences, and a Fellow in Health Sector Management for students in the School’s Full-Time and Morning & Evening MBA programs. The Centre, in partnership with Rotman Executive Programs, is Canada’s leading academic provider of healthcare executive programs, which equip professionals with the knowledge and business skills to lead and manage their organizations effectively in a complex field that is constantly evolving.

Click here for more information about the GEMBA-HLS program and the Rotman School’s other MBA Programs.

About the College

The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL), a national member-driven non-profit association, is the connected community that develops, supports, and inspires health leaders across Canada. The College strives to provide the leadership development, tools, knowledge and networks that members need to become high impact leaders in Canadian healthcare.

Through LEADS, the CHE designation, credentialing, training, conferences, mentoring and a nationwide careers network, we support health leaders in every sector and region, from every professional background and at any stage of their career.

Located in Ottawa, the College collaborates with 20 chapters across the country and engages with its 4,000 members and 80 corporate members to promote lifelong learning and professional development while recognizing leadership excellence.

For more information about the College, visit:

Media Enquiries

Ken McGuffin
Manager, Media Relations
Rotman School of Management

Brenda Lammi
Vice President, Leadership and Professional Development
1-800-363-9056 ext. 215