Programmes en ligne
The purpose of the CCHL Professional and Leadership Development programs is to provide participants with comprehensive, evidence-informed, multimodal leadership development opportunities to maximize their learning and to impact outcomes at the individual, team, organizational levels and ultimately to benefit the patients/clients/families/people at the centre of the health system.
Our online offerings include individual and organizational programs and webinars that are based on current research and best practices. These offerings include dynamic group discussions that enable experience-based learning to emerge, resources and materials for additional learning and self-reflection, such as Leadership Development Plans and Accountability Agreements, and the direct application of learning to work through application exercises and through LEADS in Action projects.
Nos programmes

Groupes de réflection sur le leadership
Faciliter les discussions et engagements, briser les silos et faire avancer les priorités stratégiques.

LEADS Inspired Leadership
Ce cours en ligne autodirigé est offert en partenariat avec CHA Learning par le biais de SoinsSantéCAN.

Programme LEADS en ligne sur les fondements du leadership
Un programme interactif de série d'apprentissage LEADS en ligne.

Série de webinaire LEADS Lite
Série de webinaires présentant le modèle de leadership LEADS.