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Infos notables du CCLS – Édition du printemps 2023

Le bulletin Infos notables du CCLS servira de mise à jour trimestrielle présentant les événements à venir et les nouvelles les plus récentes du Collège à nos partenaires et associations alliées. Nous vous encourageons à partager le contenu important sur […]

The lost years or a spectacular 2021: Health leadership in 2021

Published in Hospital News: December 28, 2020Author: Jaason Geerts, PhD, Director of Research and Leadership Development at the Canadian College of Health Leaders (Disponible en anglais seulement) The early months of 2021 will define health leadership as it advances. The recent […]

Imagining health leadership after the pandemic

Published in Hospital News: May 28, 2021Author: Jaason Geerts, PhD, Director of Research and Leadership Development at the Canadian College of Health Leaders (Disponible en anglais seulement) We’re at mile marker 35 (of 26.2) in the marathon of COVID-19 response and […]

Health leader and leadership development priorities in 2022

Published in Hospital News: January 4, 2022Author: Jaason Geerts, PhD, Director of Research and Leadership Development at the Canadian College of Health Leaders (Disponible en anglais seulement) The landscape of leadership development is resettling after the seismic shift that began in […]

How we can take a wiser approach to the pandemic

Published in the Globe and Mail: July 30, 2022Author: Jaason Geerts, PhD, Director of Research and Leadership Development at the Canadian College of Health Leaders (Disponible en anglais seulement) In his Globe and Mail article, Jaason points out that public fear […]

Article: How can companies thrive in the new future of work? By understanding that people matter”

Published: November 19, 2022(Disponible en anglais seulement) Dr. Jaason Geerts, Director of Research and Leadership Development at the Canadian College of Health Leaders wrote an op-ed published in The Globe and Mail titled “How can companies thrive in the new future of […]

Effective Performance Systems: A Review of Selected Literature

Authors:Shauna Fenwick and Erna Hagge (Disponible en anglais seulement) Many health systems across Canada have adopted LEADS in a Caring Environment (LEADS) as their leadership development framework; some are now looking for a complementary system that measures leadership effectiveness. Given […]

Forum Gestion des soins de santé

La revue Forum Gestion des soins de santé (Forum) fournit de l’information stimulante et inspirante sur des solutions novatrices et des pratiques de pointe liées au leadership en santé. La qualité de ses collaborateurs, le processus rigoureux d’évaluation par des […]

Canada is suffering from a health care system resourcing crisis – and the solution will require time and patience

(Disponible en anglais seulement) Published: December 7, 2021 Stéphane Brutus is the dean of the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa. Jaason Geerts, PhD, is the director of research and leadership development at the Canadian College of […]

LEADS et la Norme nationale sure la santé et la sécurité psychologiques en millieu de travail

Transformer les organisations de soins de santé Des travailleurs et des leaders en meilleure santé. Des organisations plus saines. Ce document est un sommaire d’un rapport de recherche commandé par le Collectif « La santé d’abord », un regroupement de plus de […]