A heartfelt thank you to all our delegates, sponsors, speakers, facilitators and planning committee who, each in their own way, brought this conference to life and made it such a resounding success!
Courageous leadership – DARE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE
Authentic. Resilient. Trustworthy. Passionate. Transparent. Innovative. Inspirational, Courageous. Each of us can think of a leader that inspires. They have attributes that we admire and seek to emulate. Complex health care environments require such leaders who can rise to the challenge with the required qualities and attributes to meet the demands and harness the opportunities. Before a system can be transformed however, a leader must first transform and lead themselves.
The path of leadership is a lifelong journey with opportunity for reflection, commitment, and ongoing development. Successful leaders are dedicated to personal development and change, knowing that their ability to “Lead Self” is at the foundation of being able to engage others, effectively collaborate, achieve results, and transform systems.
Consider admirable leaders, they consistently and persistently:
- Are humble and self-aware of their own values, strength and limitations
- Seek opportunities and challenges personal learning and build character
- Take responsibility for their own performance
- Are honest and model integrity, resilience and confidence
How do you show up as a leader? How would you like to show up as a leader? We invite you to reflect on these questions and attend the 2018 BC Health Leaders Conference ready to take the opportunity to reflect, learn, and grow as a leader – to continue to become a leader worth following; a leader who makes a difference.
Pour consulter le programme de la conférence, cliquez ici.
Pour accéder aux Canada West Health Leaders Conferences précédentes, cliquez ici.