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BC Interior Chapter – Healthcare Closer to Home – Creating a Path to the Future Session 1

29 Janvier 2025 @ 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM PST / HNP

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Détails de l'événement:

Lieu : Événement en ligne

Series Hosted by CCHL BC Interior Chapter

Healthcare Closer to Home – Creating a Path to the Future Session 1 Reimagining Patient Care: The Hospital at Home Program in BC with guest speaker Matt Erickson, BC Ministry of Health

Please join us to hear Matt Erickson, Executive Director Hospital Services, Ministry of Health share the history of the Hospital at Home Program across BC. This new program delivery model offers an alternative to hospital care for a variety of patient groups across the province. The program launched in Fall/Winter 2021 and continues to expand in both bed numbers and target patient populations. Matt will share the logistical, policy and leadership strategies required to launch a new program in an extraordinarily complex environment with significant scrutiny and little room for error.

Featured Speaker:

Matt Erikson


CCHL Members: $10.00
Non-Members: $15.00


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