BC Health Leaders Conference 2014

A heartfelt thank you to all our delegates, sponsors, speakers, facilitators and planning committee who, each in their own way, brought this conference to life and made it such a resounding success! 

Are you a Learning Leader? Is Yours a Learning Organization? Discover the Building Blocks of Learning Organizations

A learning organization is “An organization where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together” (Senge, 1990 and 2006). Senge said this was an imperative for organizations to manage the complexity of 21st century business. Three broad factors are essential for organizational learning and adaptability in complex and changing environments – a supportive learning environment, concrete learning processes and practices, and leadership behaviour that reinforce learning – these are the building blocks of the learning organization.

October 22 – 23, 2014
The Westin Bayshore Vancouver Hotel


Pour consulter le programme de la conférence, cliquez ici.

Pour accéder aux Canada West Health Leaders Conferences précédentes, cliquez ici.