
Industry Builder and Difference Maker – Pamela Winsor, RN, MBA, ICD.D, CHE

March 8, 2020

In our 50th anniversary year, the College will profile a few long-term members and health leaders. Meet Pamela Winsor. Pam was the College’s Corporate Director on the Board of Directors and Chair of the Corporate Advisory Council from 2013 to 2019.

Pam spent fifteen years working with a great team at Medtronic Canada to ensure that industry is considered a significant partner in the redesign of the healthcare system. Pam has expertise in the future direction of healthcare as it evolves into to a more value-based system and improve patient outcomes at a lower cost. This change will encompass new players and technologies, new financial models, more long-term strategic oversight, and challenge legacy care models and current healthcare boards. In May 2019, Pam stepped down from her executive career at Medtronic Canada. She is an active healthcare consultant, contributes to the Atlantic Creative Destruction Lab and is an Atlantic Canada Ambassador for Women get on Board.

At twelve years old Pam knew she wanted to follow in her sister’s journey and become a nurse. Pam completed her eMBA (2000) at St. Mary’s University, Halifax and the ICD.D (2015) with Rotman School of Business in Toronto. In addition to these academic credentials, Pam is a Rotman, Judy Project Alumni and an executive coach. She has had a very rewarding clinical experience, which framed her perspective on life in many ways. Pam finds it fulfilling to be part of the dynamic and constantly evolving field of healthcare in Canada.

Pam was actively involved with CCHL during her time with Medtronic Canada and helped welcomed industry as a valued partner in the evolution of healthcare. Working with the College, Medtronic gained valuable insights and candid feedback from the HPRS sessions. This information was strategically leveraged to effect change at Medtronic. With the College’s fifty-year anniversary in 2020, Pam has the following message and vision for the next decade: “Congrats on a 50-year anniversary as the CCHL! What’s key now is the ongoing evolution of the CCHL to support the forwarding thinking leadership required to truly reinvent healthcare over the next 10 years.”


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