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Campfire Chat Webinar with The Honourable Rebecca Patterson, CHE

Leading a Depleted but Valiant Fleet: Health Leadership Amid Widespread Burnout, Languishing, and Turnover

The persisting health human resources (HHR) crisis and the need for major health systems reform are top of mind for health leaders across the country.

Health leaders are tasked with guiding their teams and organizations amid widespread burnout, languishing, and turnover: in short, with captaining a depleted, but valiant fleet. And what about the captain herself (leader self-care)?

March 30, 2023 @ 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM EDT / HAE

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Event Details:

Location: Canada

Table of Contents

Following our most recent nation-wide rapid research study of health CEO’s on the topic, CCHL’s Director of Research, Dr. Jaason Geerts, is thrilled to welcome RAdm The Right Honourable Rebecca Patterson, Senator of Canada and CHE, for a fireside chat entitled, “Leading a Depleted But Valiant Fleet: Health Leadership Amid widespread Burnout, Languishing, and Turnover”. The senator will share key leadership lessons learnt from her impressive naval career, as well as her experience in healthcare and politics.


Rear-Admiral The Honourable Rebecca Patterson, OMM MSM CHE CD (Ret’d) is a 34 year Canadian Armed Forces veteran.

A registered nurse by training, Senator Patterson enjoyed a rewarding career with the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). As a provider and executive health leader, she worked in military healthcare delivery, education, training, and operational and strategic planning, both at home and on international missions. On promotion to Flag (General) Officer, she was the first person with a military nursing background ever lead at that rank.

With a passion for service, Senator Patterson has lead in many different domains in CAF. From serving as the Defence Champion for Women, addressing sexual misconduct and leading culture change efforts in the CAF, to commanding Canada’s 14th health system, the Canadian Forces Health Service at the height of the COVID 19 pandemic, she has always been focused on creating healthy work environments and uplifting others.

Senator Patterson is now the first CAF woman veteran to be appointed to the Senate of Canada, where she remains committed to serving Canadians and ensuring CAF members, their families, and veterans have their voice represented.


CCHL Members: Free
Non-Members: $45.00

Please register early as we have limited capacity


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