
CEO Update: Presenting our new 2022-2024 strategic plan

February 17, 2022

On behalf of our Board of Directors and the staff of the national office of the Canadian College of Health Leaders, we are pleased to present the new 2022-2024 strategic plan. You may recall that the College’s previous strategic plan covered the period of 2015-2020 and given the transition in the CEO role and the impact of the pandemic, interim strategic plans were pursued to get us to this point.

We have been in consultation and co-creation mode for the past several years, but our strategic planning process went into high gear at the beginning of 2021, nearly one year ago. At that time, we conducted a comprehensive member survey, held strategic visioning focus groups, and subsequently engaged our Board, chapter executives and corporate partners in a number of workshops and discussion groups. We appreciate the engagement of our Board of Directors and all our members who helped inform this process.

There are a few notable differences between this strategic plan and the previous iteration.  The new strategic plan covers a 3 year period rather than 5 years. We have abandoned the traditional Vision and Mission format and anchored this new strategic plan with a single Purpose statement. We tightened up the language around our Values and in particular added the Values of courage and trust which we believe represent who we want to be and how we need to act in and beyond the pandemic. We have followed a traditional format of three priority pillars supported by specific areas of activity and initiatives. In recognition of the ongoing challenges of the pandemic and the need to support our members for the foreseeable future, we are reflecting our ongoing commitment to providing in-context and real-time resources to leaders across all our priority areas of activity.

As you consider the priority pillars, you will note that our emerging commitment as a trusted national voice and as a source of career support and advancement are markedly different from our previous strategic plan.

This one-page infographic is a summary of all the discussions, and there are detailed action plans that engage our members, our corporate and institutional partners, and our chapter executives in the execution of our programming, support, and resources.

We hope you see yourself, in your current and future roles as health leaders, in this new strategic plan.  We encourage you to find a way of engaging with us and benefiting from the support we can provide, as well as making your own contribution to our collective ambition.

As our Purpose statement proposes, our ambition is to provide you with a connected community within which you can find the support and inspiration you need to be the best health leader you can be.

As always, if we can do anything at all to help you, your team, or your organization, please do not hesitate to reach out. Until then, take care.

Alain Doucet, MBA
President & CEO