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CCHL CEO Reflections: 2024 CCHL National Conference

When our team started planning for the 2024 CCHL national conference, we didn’t know with 100% certainty how the theme Come Together! would play out in the sessions and in the atmosphere during the conference. Of course, we knew that […]

CCHL Welcomes New and Renewed Board of Directors Members

The Canadian College of Health Leaders is pleased to share that we are extending the Term of Office of Brenda Rebman, CHE, as the Chair of the Board of Directors for an additional year (2024-2025), following her initial two-year term […]

Impact of Policy on Legalizing Cannabis in Canada

On behalf of the CCHL Northwestern Ontario, Manitoba, Eastern Ontario, and NEON Lights Chapters, we invite you to join us for a special Invited Keynote Speaker, followed by the Annual General Meeting of each respective CCHL Chapters. Featured Speaker Daniel Myran, MD, […]

CCHL CEO Reflections: 2023 in Review 

Momentum and Clarity As 2023 was winding down, when people asked me how I was doing, I typically answered that I was doing better than perhaps earlier in the year. The year was a bit manic if I’m being honest, […]

CCHL CEO Reflections: Caring for people who care for people 

As many of you know, I typically write a summary of the key takeaways from our conferences to share with all of you. In the case of the recent Canada West Health Leaders Conference (CWHLC) held in Victoria, British Colombia […]

CCHL CEO Reflections: Reunited at the 2023 CCHL National Conference

As we reflect on the recent 2023 inaugural CCHL National Conference, the dominant feeling from the staff of the national office and all of our partners and collaborators is one of relief and gratitude. After a four-year absence, we were […]

CCHL Greater Toronto Area, Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario and NEON Lights Chapters AGM

The Greater Toronto Area, Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario and NEON Lights Chapters are pleased to present Keynote Speaker Steven Lewis, after which Chapters will split into their breakout rooms to cover their respective Chapter AGM business. 6:00 p.m. EST/5:00 p.m. CST […]

John Borody, FCCHL named recipient of the 2023 CCHL Distinguished Leadership Award 

The Canadian College of Health Leaders is proud to announce that John Borody, FCCHL has been named recipient of the 2023 CCHL Distinguished Leadership Award.  John Borody, a CHE and Fellow of the College, has had a distinguished career as […]

CCHL and Emerging Health Leaders (EHL) agree to a new partnership to support aspiring leaders

The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) and Emerging Health Leaders (EHL) have agreed to a new partnership to expand healthcare leaders’ capabilities in Canada and create a community of aspiring health leaders. “With the belief that better leadership leads […]


Mentorship The CCHL National Mentorship Program is offered at no cost to all College members, at every stage of their career, from coast to coast. The program can be accessed through the College’s online community and leadership development platform called […]