The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL-CCLS) has worked closely with several institutions including the Canadian Forces Health Services Group (CF H Svcs Gp) in the advancement of health leadership. As military members of the College are spread across Canada, they belong to the regional Chapter in the region where they are posted. Nonetheless the CF H Svcs Gp formed and maintains a “Virtual” Chapter, renamed the Starlight (CF H Svcs Gp) Chapter, to enable College members who are in the CF to come together for private or public activities within the framework of the College’s regular activities.
The chapters are the nerve centre of the College, providing local professional development and networking opportunities. Members work tirelessly to provide expert advice and advocate for issues that are important to senior health leaders in the local community and across the country. The Virtual Chapter has most of the characteristics of the already existing chapters and enables the College to grant special group privileges to its members who are in the CF.
The CF Virtual Chapter, renamed the Starlight (CF H Svcs Gp) Chapter, has been in operation since 2002. The membership has steadily increased from 54 members in 2002 to 110 members in 2006. The Executive of the Chapter consists of the Commander of CF H Svcs Gp, a Chair (LCol/Cdr rank), a Vice-Chair (LCol/Cdr rank), and Secretary (Capt/Lt(N) rank).
What’s in a Name?
At the CF Virtual Chapter’s Annual General Meeting in June 2007, the membership voted to rename itself the Starlight (CF H Svcs Gp) Chapter. There are specific military and health services support (HSS) connotations for the new name. For radio communications in the CF, call signs are used as unique identifiers for individuals, formations, stations, etc. The call sign Starlight is used to identify and call to action military members of the HSS team during an exercise, operation, etc. The new name highlights the unique military and HSS nature of the Starlight Chapter.
The CCHL National Mentorship Program is offered at no cost to all College members, at every stage of their career, from coast to coast. The program can be accessed through the College’s online community and leadership development platform called the CCHL Circle.
To access the mentorship matching tool, visit the the College’s National Mentorship Program page. You must be logged in as a member to use the portal.