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The Osgoode Certificate in Professional Regulation and Discipline in the Ontario Health Care Sector

November 8, 2023 @ 08:45 AM - 04:30 PM EST / HNE

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Event Details:

Location: Canada

Events are presented in the language received.

Professional regulation and discipline of health care professionals is a complex area which requires those involved to be informed of the process from start to finish.

November 8, 15, 22, 29, and December 6, 2023
8:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. ET
Online (Live)

This program was created to provide those working in the health care sector with a comprehensive overview of the professional regulation and discipline of health care professionals.

Bringing together a multidisciplinary faculty of 50+ leading experts, gain a comprehensive overview of the professional regulation and discipline of health care professionals, including:

  • How the regulatory process works
  • The rights and duties of health regulatory colleges and its members during an investigation
  • Tips on how to draft a strong and comprehensive investigation report
  • Strategies for dealing with various pre‑hearing procedures, including motions and pre‑hearing conferences
  • How to prepare and participate in Fitness to Practice proceedings and hearings
  • When to engage in alternative dispute resolution and mediation
  • Best practices for penalty hearings

Can’t make the date? Registration includes 120‑day unlimited, online access to the recorded program.

This program is eligible for OSAP funding. Federal and provincial job grants may be available. You may also apply for financial assistance with OsgoodePD. To learn more, visit: https://osgoodepd.ca/professional-development/fees-policies/financial-assistance/

Register Today!
