Healthcare Management Forum and the Journal of Healthcare Management
Healthcare Management Forum and the Journal of Healthcare Management are collaborating on a joint call for papers. Each is planning a special edition for November 2023 dedicated to behavioural health.
Authors are invited to submit a 200-word abstract to one journal or the other (but not both) by October 28, 2022. Abstracts should include a short overview of the proposed manuscript, the intended audience and key messages for readers. When submitting, please be sure to indicate that your abstract is intended for this special edition. Full articles will be due by June 1, 2023.
The editorial staffs of the two publications will consider original research covering the following topics:
- The perceptions and development of emotional intelligence, the role of the education system in the development of behavioural health
- Equity/access/inclusion issues related to promoting behavioural health both from an individual and population health perspective
- Mental health and addictions, the opioid crisis (including methadone), policy implications of increasing mental health issues related to COVID
- Licensing and certifying specialists, such as behavioural analysts
- Designing collaborative organizations and work relationships
- Stress and workplace violence, as well as innovations in workplace wellness in healthcare
- Moral distress/injury as a precursor to burnout
- Collaborative approaches with Indigenous healers, both for Indigenous Canadians and American Indians
- Behavioural health in long-term care for residents and staff
- The use of technologies to promote behavioural health, with an emphasis on populations with access to care issues
Abstracts and questions for Healthcare Management Forum can be directed to Laurie Wilson and those for the Journal of Healthcare Management to Joseph Pixler.
Healthcare Management Forum (HMF) is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Canadian College of Health Leaders. The journal publishes articles on leading practices related to health leadership and management, including recent research, new technology and professional practices from health leaders’ perspectives. It is circulated to a variety of environments, such as medical companies, health authorities, multi-level care facilities, hospitals, public and private health agencies, health charities, the Canadian military and all levels of the Canadian government. It is also available in universities and libraries throughout Canada, the United States and overseas. Authors’ guidelines can be found here:

The Journal of Healthcare Management (JHM) is an official journal of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Published bimonthly, JHM is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to providing healthcare leaders with the information they need to manage complex healthcare issues and to make effective strategic decisions. JHM provides a forum for discussion of current trends and presentation of new research as applied to healthcare management. Authors’ guidelines can be found here: