
Record setting month for CCHL

February 10, 2020

As we embark on our 50th anniversary year, the positive momentum from 2019 is carrying over and we continue to break membership records. A total of 94 new individual members joined in January 2020, surpassing our record of new members in one month. In 2019 we had a record-breaking year with 682 new individual members.

We are also pleased to introduce our newest corporate members who supply products and services to the healthcare industry:

Commitment to lifelong learning is evident with a record setting January of 28 new Certified Health Executive (CHE) applications, and through the many events our chapters have planned for 2020 across Canada.

On February 1st we closed our 2020 team and organisation award nominations with 49 nominations, the 2nd highest number since 2010.

We look forward to sharing additional College milestones throughout our anniversary year and invite you to follow us on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook, and share the achievements that you and your organisation are proud of by using the #CCHL50CCLS hashtag.

For more information about our 50th anniversary read Proud of our past, Confident in our present, Excited for the future.