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The September 2024 edition of Healthcare Management Forum focuses on artificial intelligence and its ability to transform healthcare at the system level.

Log into the College website for the full edition of Healthcare Management Forum.

In this edition:

The Guest Editor for this edition is Hélène Clément, RN, BScN, MHA, CPHIMS-CA, a health informatics leader with more than 25 years of experience in healthcare facilities, the private sector, and government. She advocates for the use of technology as a way to enhance and transform healthcare delivery and has led major redesign and transformation projects. Hélène volunteers her time with several non-profits including the Canadian College of Health Leaders as a member of the Editorial Board for Healthcare Management Forum.


Read theblog entry by Julia Silano, BKin, MSc, CAPM, as she emphasizes the importance of ensuring that the voices of Indigenous Peoples in Canada are included in the development and application of artificial intelligence in healthcare. Her blog entry discusses the ethical and practical considerations associated with this undertaking. Among other roles, Julia is a Policy Consultant with the Nova Scotia Regulated Health Professions Network.



Healthcare Management Forum (HMF), part of the SAGE family of journals, recognises the value of large language models such as ChatGPT and generative artificial intelligence (AI) as productivity tools that can help authors in preparing their articles for submission. These tools can assist when generating initial ideas and help to summarize, paraphrase, and polish the language. However, it is important to note that all language models have limitations and are unable to replicate human creative and critical thinking.

If authors choose to use these tools for their submission to HMF, we ask that they adhere to the following basic guidelines: clearly indicate the use of language models in the manuscript, including which model was used and for what purpose, and use the methods or acknowledgements section, as appropriate; verify the accuracy, validity, and appropriateness of the content and any citations generated by language models and correct any errors or inconsistencies; provide a list of sources used to generate content and citations, including those generated by language models, and double-check citations to ensure they are accurate, and are properly referenced; be conscious of the potential for plagiarism where the language model may have reproduced substantial text from other sources, and check the original sources to be sure you are not plagiarising someone else’s work; acknowledge the limitations of language models in the manuscript, including the potential for bias, errors, and gaps in knowledge; and never list AI bots such as ChatGPT as an author.

Peer reviewers also have a responsibility when evaluating manuscripts that have used AI productivity tools. Reviewers should evaluate the appropriateness of the use of large language models and ensure that the generated content is accurate and valid. Click Here for more guidance for authors and peer reviewers on the use generative AI. Click Here for more general resources for authors, on this and other topics, related to submitting to peer-reviewed journals.


Watch a two-minute video from Don Juzwishin, PhD, FCCHL, Editor-in-Chief of HMF, on how to write an appropriate article for HMF. Don also provides information on what is required of peer reviewers in this 90 second video. There is a gateway specifically for peer reviewers which can be found here.


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Five modules will be held over five weekends, from October 2025 – June 2025.
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Authors’ guidelines can be found here:

Did you know as a published Healthcare Management Forum author you will have the opportunity to share your article and increase its impact?

Published authors receive a link that can be shared with co-workers and or used for non-profit teaching purposes (other distribution and on-line posting not permitted). In addition, through the KUDOS platform, authors have the opportunity to write a summary of their article to share through their social networks.

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