What We Do

The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL), a national member-driven non-profit association, is the connected community that develops, supports, and inspires health leaders across Canada. The College strives to provide the leadership development, tools, knowledge and networks that members need to become high impact leaders in Canadian healthcare.

Strategic Plan

The College is the connected community that develops, supports, and inspires health leaders across Canada. Click to view our Strategic Plan.

STRATEGIC PLAN, 2022 - 2024

Code of Ethics

College members are expected to maintain high ethical standards in their personal and professional behavior and to act in accordance with the CCHL Code of Ethics. Ethics should be central to all decision making and in fulfilling social responsibilities.

Code of ethics handout


CCHL’s Commitment to Improve Health Services Leadership for Indigenous Health in Canada.

CCHL's Commitment to Improve Health Services Leadership for Indigenous Health in Canada

Our Offerings


By earning the Certified Health Executive (CHE™ *) or Fellow designation, members can enhance their knowledge and career prospects. Certification is recognized as a national standard of professionalism. The College’s program is the only Canadian credential available to health leaders.

The CCHL Circle

The CCHL Circle is an online community where CCHL members can connect, learn, and develop. This online health leadership networking, community-building, knowledge sharing, and skill development platform allows health leaders to connect virtually with others in similar roles, within their own community, or anywhere in Canada.


In addition to national events, chapters across Canada organize meetings and sponsor professional activities at the local level, making membership a more personal and rewarding experience. Involvement in a local chapter provides members with additional opportunities to develop leadership skills and make important professional contacts.

Conferences and Events

The College offers and supports a variety of international, national, regional and local conferences and events focused on the real issues and challenges that health leaders face every day.


Health leaders keep up-to-date on practices and trends through the highly respected, peer-reviewed journal Healthcare Management Forum and monthly newsletter in blog format, Communiqué.


Excellence is the standard and it must be recognized. The awards program recognizes outstanding leadership and the significant contribution of volunteers.

Professional Development

The LEADS in a Caring Environment Capabilities Framework provides a foundation for health leadership development in Canada. The framework defines the knowledge, skills, and attitudes a leader needs to successfully contribute to an effective Canadian health system. CCHL also has a variety of e-learning courses and delivers webinars for health leaders at any stage of their career. The College’s e-learning library offers contributions, in their original language, from the national office, PLD programming, chapters and partners. College membership is not required. The College also works with national associations and leading healthcare companies to offer outstanding professional development opportunities in quality improvement, green healthcare, health human resources, system-level information management, executive training and nursing management.

Corporate Services

Reach the people who have a significant impact on purchasing decisions. The College offers corporate members tailor-made opportunities to create valuable business contacts with influential health leaders. Through the Health Professionals' Roundtable for Strategy (HPRS™) program, companies can obtain tactical information on their products and services while gaining inside knowledge of emerging trends. This is the first and only program if its kind in Canada. Corporate members can also sponsor and receive visibility at the College’s hallmark event, the National Health Leadership Conference (NHLC) as well as discounts on advertising.


The College is a collective voice and advocate for health leaders, collaborating with partners to exchange ideas and develop new products and services. As a member of the Health Action Lobby (HEAL), the College continues to influence public policy.

* CHE™ is a trademarked program of the Canadian College of Health Leaders

Canadian College of Health Leaders

The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL), a national member-driven non-profit association, is the connected community that develops, supports, and inspires health leaders across Canada. The College strives to provide the leadership development, tools, knowledge and networks that members need to become high impact leaders in Canadian healthcare.

As defined by the LEADS in a Caring Environment framework, a leader is anyone with the capacity to influence others to work together constructively. The College’s LEADS Canada team provides LEADS-based leadership development services, and partners with organizations, authorities and regions to facilitate not only the adoption of the framework, but a cultural shift required to fully imbed LEADS throughout an organization.

Through LEADS, the CHE designation, credentialing, training, conferences, mentoring and a nationwide careers network, we support health leaders in every sector and region, from every professional background and at any stage of their career.

Located in Ottawa, the College collaborates with 20 chapters across the country and engages with its 4,300 members and 80 corporate members to promote lifelong learning and professional development while recognizing leadership excellence.