
Certified LEADS Specialist (CLS/OLF) – Renewal Webinar

Participation in the renewal webinar will renew your certification for three (3) years. The format of the webinar is meant to be an opportunity to: Interact and dialogue with other Certified LEADS Specialists from different organizations across varying sectors of […]

LEADS Leadership Foundations Program: Fall 2023 Cohort

In healthcare, now, more than ever, we have been called upon to re-imagine the way we lead and learn. Leading in a complex, adaptive environment requires new ways of being, thinking, and working to embrace diversity, and unleash innovation and […]

Colloque francophone des leaders en santé 2023

Thématique Co-construire un virage technologique et numérique à visage humain Un leadership inspirant, source d’innovation En tant que leader, nous avons une grande influence sur l’évolution de notre système de santé et services sociaux. Les besoins des populations, l’émergence de […]

Canada West Health Leaders Conference 2023

Theme Caring for people who care for people The last few years have been extremely challenging for healthcare organizations and their workforce. It’s crucial that we nurture and care for our teams to ensure that the best care is provided […]