The Canadian College of Health Leaders is dedicated to enriching your membership experience through valuable inter-association partnerships. As a CCHL member, you gain access to a wide array of benefits and exclusive discounts through these collaborative relationships.

The Canadian Health Information Management Association (CHIMA) and the Canadian College of Health Leaders have agreed to a new partnership to expand health care leaders’ capabilities in Canada and create a community of health information leaders. CHIMA members who become active CCHL members will receive a voucher for an upcoming CCHL conference, or a LEADS Seminar Series professional development course. CCHL members who join CHIMA will benefit from a preferred price for a CHIMA affiliate membership.

The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) and Emerging Health Leaders (EHL) have agreed to a new partnership to expand healthcare leaders’ capabilities in Canada and create a community of aspiring health leaders.
EHL Members in good standing will be offered the opportunity to join CCHL through the standard 4-year graduated entry fee structure and receive coupons to be used during the two initial years of membership towards one of the Colleges conferences or LEADS development courses. EHL Members in good standing will also be provided with preferred pricing to certain Chapter and National CCHL events.