As a member of the Health Action Lobby (HEAL), the College continues to influence public policy, and through its partnership with the Canadian Health Leadership Network (CHLNet) create environments that enable and support the development of outstanding healthcare leadership. The College also influences the delivery of environmentally responsible healthcare through a joint environmental position statement.
The College is a collective voice and advocate for health leaders, collaborating with partners to exchange ideas and develop new products and services

Beyond COVID-19: HEAL’s recommendations for a healthier nation
The Organizations for Health Action (HEAL) released ‘Beyond COVID-19: HEAL’s recommendations for a healthier nation’, a document outlining issues HEAL’s membership has seen on the front lines during the pandemic. As a coalition of 40 national health organizations, including the Canadian College of Health Leaders, HEAL membership has aligned on recommendations from the front lines to the federal government, through COVID-19 and beyond. This document also offers a look at priorities with a COVID-19 lens, with HEAL also staying committed to its two main priority areas: Seniors Care and Mental Health.

Fit for Purpose: Response from the Canadian College of Health Leaders
Fit for Purpose (“the Report”) reviewed eight Pan-Canadian Health Organizations (PCHOs) making recommendations on the future state of federally funded health organizations. The overarching vision of bringing Canadian healthcare into the 21st century was associated with a slate of recommendations. These recommendations essentially suggested a transformation of the status quo—and included the phasing out of three of the organizations. Read a summary of the Report written by André Picard for the Globe and Mail. The College commends Federal Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor for demonstrating leadership by commissioning the external review of the PCHOs.

Canadian Health Leadership Strategy
As the host secretariat for the Canadian Health Leadership Network (CHLNet), the College works with CHLNet and its network of partners to create environments that enable and support the development of outstanding health care leadership. Key areas include dialogue and engagement, research, knowledge mobilization and evaluation, the LEADS Framework and tools, and the Canadian Health Leadership Strategy. The Canadian Health Leadership Strategy, developed in 2014, proposes to build and strengthen Canada’s health leadership capacity through a collective approach reflecting on innovation, collaboration and evidence.

Health Action Lobby
Health Action Lobby (HEAL) is a coalition of 39 national health and consumer associations and organizations dedicated to protecting and strengthening Canada's health system. Created in 1991, and representing more than 650,000 providers and consumer of health care, the major focus of HEAL’s activities has been on the federal role in health and health care. In 2018 HEAL issued a Consensus Statement that calls on the federal government to lead with vision and by example. It calls on the federal government to move forward in The Canadian Way – making change through compassion, collaboration and consensus. In addition to the federal role in health care and the need for collaboration among all levels of government, the statement focuses on 4 other areas for change.

Joint Environmental Position Statement
Developed by a working of 13 organizations, the joint environmental position statement Toward an Environmentally Responsible Canadian Health Sector calls on governments and policy-makers at all levels to understand and address links between health and the environment and to incorporate these links into policy decisions through legislative and budgetary actions. Healthcare organizations are called to pledge to minimize the negative impact of their activity on the environment and to seek solutions to existing barriers. Individuals working in the health sector are called to both model and advocate for environmentally responsible approaches to delivering healthcare without compromising patient safety and care.