The awards nomination campaign will launch on October 1, at which time the online nomination form and the nomination template will become available.
The Award
This award will honour a hospital, health authority, community based mental health and addictions program/service, or a leader in the field that demonstrates evidence-informed and sustained quality improvements (QI) in the area of mental health and addictions.
The recipient will receive an etched glass trophy. One representative of the winning organization will also receive paid travel and accommodation to attend the College’s Honouring Health Leadership event, and a complimentary registration to the CCHL National Conference. In addition, the recipient will receive a $7,500 grant for the organization to use to continue their QI activities in their mental health program, and $1,000 for an educational leadership event and translation of best practices within the winning organization.
This award is open to individuals and organizations operating in Canada that demonstrate: (a) recent (three years) application of evidence-based quality improvements in their health system which improves outcomes for patients with mental illness and/or addictions (b) sustained system/program improvements. Possible nominees could include, but are not limited to:
- A hospital based mental health program providing a continuum of services;
- A community-based mental health and addictions program that is publicly funded and has official partnerships with hospitals as part of the continuum of care for the treatment of mental health and addictions;
- A school based program that supported mental health for children/youth;
- A corrections-based mental health and addictions program; and
- A recognized health systems leader in the field of mental health and addictions.
Nominations must be made by a member of the College and be submitted by February 1. Nominations must be submitted as one PDF file via the team and organization award online form and include the following:
- The completed nomination form (to be completed online).
- A letter of nomination from a member of the College.
- The completed nomination template, describing the innovative QI mental health initiative(s) undertaken, including the results.
- Three letters of support that clearly articulate how the nominee meets the criteria for this award. One letter must be from a patient, family member, or patient advisory committee directly impacted by the program/initiative.
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2024 Recipient: Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)

The Canadian College of Health Leaders is proud to announce that the ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) Ontario Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH) program at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) has been named recipient of the Award of Excellence in Mental Health and Addictions Quality Improvement for its outstanding contributions to advancing mental health care across Ontario.
This innovative initiative, based at CHEO but reaching far beyond its walls, connects Primary Care Providers (PCPs) with mental health specialists through teleconferencing technologies, equipping PCPs with specialized knowledge and resources to better support children and youth facing mental health challenges in their communities.
Past Recipients
Please see our most recent recipients listed below. Full details are available in our Celebrating Leading Practices booklets.
2024 – Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
2023 – Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
2022 – Fraser Health
2021 – Alberta Health Services
2020 – Hôpital Montfort
2019 – Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences
2018 – Dr. Kathleen A. Pajer
2017 – Scarborough and Rouge Hospital
2016 – Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
2015 – Ontario Shores
2014 – Nova Scotia Health Authority (previously Capital Health)